The Willamette Valley Bonsai Society

meets monthly on the second Tuesday   6:30 - 9:30 p.m.

at Center 50+
2615 Portland Rd NE   Salem, OR 97301

Our meetings are educational, with featured speakers and workshops. They are designed for beginners and experienced alike.

Take advantage of our open invitation to all members (and guests) to

bring in a tree or two, to get an opinion or advice from our experienced members. Or bring your current project to show off and inspire other members.

Upcoming WVBS Meetings:

July 9, 2024; 6:30-8:30 p.m.
Due to the unscheduled extreme heat, the annual club auction was postponed until September 10.

August 24, 2024; 4:30 p.m.
Annual club picnic. See the club newsletter for details.

Conifer Connection

Meets semi-monthly
The date, location, and time varies and will be announced in the monthly member newsletter

Conifer Connection is an informal workshop for members to gather and work together on projects, sharing advice, ideas, and a some laughs.

Upcoming Conifer Connection Meetings
(open to WVBS members):

There will be no Conifer Connection in July or August
Check back for dates beginning in Septmeber